Pietro Lorenzetti, Saint Leonard, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Margaret of Antioch, prior 1320, tempera on panel
Simone Martini, Madonna with Child and Christ in Pietà, 1326-1328, tempera on wood
Giotto, Santo Stefano, 1330-1335, tempera on panel
Filippino Lippi, Queen Vashti Leaving the Royal Palace, c. 1475, tempera on a wooden panel
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de ’Landi, Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalene, 1496, tempera on wood
Piero di Cosimo, Saint Jerome Penitent, ca. 1495-98, oil on wood
Benozzo Gozzoli, Deposition from the Cross, 1497, oil on canvas
Florentine painter, Episode of the Battle of Anghiari, 16th century, oil on canvas
Domenico Beccafumi, Holy Family with Saint John as a Child and Donor, around 1528, oil on a wooden panel
Dosso Dossi, Allegory of Music, ca. 1530, oil on canvas
Antonio Rossellino, Madonna of the candelabra, second half of the 15th century, bas-relief in polychrome stucco
Lorenzo di Pietro called il Vecchietta, Saint Paul, prior to 1460, polychrome wood
Desiderio da Settignano, Saint John as a Child, mid-15th century, marble relief on an alabaster disc
Jacopo Tatti known as Il Sansovino, Horseman Trampling a Vanquished Man, ca. 1506-1510, terracotta with gilding traces
Jacopo Tatti known as Il Sansovino, Madonna and Child, first half of the 16th century, bas-relief in pietra serena
Giambologna, Kneeling Venus, c. 1560, terracotta with gilding traces
Giambologna, Male Nude, ca. 1572, terracotta
Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Angels in glory, mid-17th century, terracotta model
Furniture and Decorative Arts
Bottega degli Embriachi, Mirror, 15th century, ivory
Florentine manufacture, Sacristy counter, second half of the 15th century, inlaid walnut wood
Lorenzo di Credi and workshop, Chest with Pitti coat of arms, end of the 15th century, poplar wood painted with tempera
Florentine manufacture, Daybed, late 15th-early 16th century, carved and inlaid walnut wood
Pier Antonio degli Abbati, Architectural Perspective, 1485-1487, wooden inlay work
School of Fra Damiano from Bergamo, Saint George and the Dragon, second quarter of the 16th century, wooden marquetry
Tuscan Production, Savonarola Chair, 16th century, carved beech-wood
The feminine instruments and utensils, 15th-17th centuries
The collection of tableware, 15th-19th centuries
Drawings and Prints
Raffaello Sanzio, Head of a Muse, 1510 ca., black chalk on a white paper
Raffaello Sanzio, (retouched by Peter Paul Rubens), The Vision of Ezekiel, 1516-1518 and the first decade of the 17th century, black pencil, red chalk, watercolor, white lead on paper
Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Self-portrait, 1612 ca., black chalk, red chalk, white heightenings on ivory paper
Peter Paul Rubens, Scene of a Roman Battle (after Polidoro), early decades of the 17th century, black chalk, pen and ink, brush and diluted ink, pastel, watercolor, white heightenings on white paper
Jacopo Vignali, Study for the head of a young woman, 1621 ca., black pencil and red chalk on white paper
Giovan Francesco Barbieri, known as il Guercino, Woman playing a flute, 1635 ca., pen, brush, brown ink and brown ink shading diluted on white paper
Pietro Berrettini known as Pietro da Cortona, Bust of a young woman, 1637 ca., black and red chalk, white heightenings on blue paper
Giovan Battista Tiepolo, Venus and Mars on Clouds, 1729-1731, pen, brush, black ink on white paper
John Constable, Landscape, fourth decade of the 19th century, watercolor on white paper
Johann Heinrich Füssli, Portrait of Mrs Füssli, 1794, black chalk, pen, sepia ink on ivory paper